Small Town Living At Its Best!
Golf Cart Registrations run from January 1st - December 31st. You must register your golf cart for the 2025 year before you can legally drive it on city streets. Click below for more information.
Reinbeck Fitness Center memberships will expire December 31, 2024. Please click the button below for the registration form and submit it with your membership fee to City Hall. New pin numbers will begin January 4, 2025.
Grass is not to exceed 6" and is not to be mowed into the street as this clogs stormsewers and is unsafe for bicycles and motorcycles. No noxious weeds are allowed in the city.
It is the owner's duty to trim trees so that all branches will be at least fifteen (15) feet above the surface of the street and eight (8) feet above the sidewalks. All trees, shrubs, and bushes which overhang onto the sidewalk must be trimmed back.
If you are moving to the area and need to put city utilities in your name, click the button below to access the application.
You can help keep the street lights powered. If you notice a street light out you can report it by clicking below.
Sign up for our Newsletter
that comes out approximately 4 times per year. You can also view a copy of the newsleter on our "News" page on this site.
Reinbeck has many entrepreneur opportunities for you. From turn key main street businesses to building renovation opportunities to industry. Now may be the perfect time to start pursuing your dreams of owning your own business. There are low interest loans available through INRCOG at inrcog.org and Butler/Grundy County Economic Development at butlercountyiowa.com. Click the links below to be taken to the websites for more information about low interest loans available and information to speak with a loan representative.
View the commercials that have aired on Mediacom!
CityOfReinbeck-CityRein01023MiracleOnMain (4) (mp4)
DownloadCityofReinbeck-CityofRein1120Greetings (mp4)
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DownloadCityofReinbeck-CityRein0719WildReHarCorner_480 (mp4)
DownloadCityofReinbeck-CityofRein1120Greetings (mp4)
DownloadFeel free to visit during normal business hours.
414 Main St Reinbeck, IA 50669 US
(319) 788-6404 City Hall (319) 788-6910 Fax (319) 788-7888 RTU (Reinbeck Telecomunications Utility)
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:30 pm |